Final Summary

Final Case Work:hollywoodland

 So my final case I’ll be writing to you about takes place in an unfamiliar place… California, more exactly, Los Angeles.  Now I wouldn’t normally under any circumstances travels so far west… heck, you’re lucky if you can drag me out to Poughkeepsie.  But I was persuaded by my employer to do a favor to his daughter, out is out there trying to make it big on the silver screen.  You see, Melvin Groverman has been my boss for years, he puts up with my unorthodox antics and allows me to rent the space above our bar for cheap.  So when he brought me this case I didn’t mind doing it for him (as if I had a choice).

Photo Safari


Assignment Ideas: Depending on the theme of the next course I would like to see an incorporation of other multimedia platforms such as vine or snapchat.  If a professor were to create an account for the class to submit a story to on snapchat with a certain objective and students could upload their observations and findings in real time.  With vine the element of editing for timimg is a constraint and would add an element of difficulty.  I’d like to see more mixed media and scavengar hunt assignments:

– License plate games (photogrpahs)

– Collectables; collect things throughtout the week that remind you of a certain book, word, emotion and have them create a story. Ideally stop motion.


Daily Create Ideas:  I think the Daily Creates, were by far my favorite component of the class.  Not only wehre they short and sweet and to the point but they allowed my brain a break in between the monotony that surrounds my life.  Allowing myself to get as reflective or topical as I wanted.

– Whats under your bed?  use the items found under your bed to represent your greatest childhood or adult fear.

– Hummer;  take a video of yourself or a friend humming a song and see if others can guess the tune.


Tutorials:  possibly filming your progress while you go to show growth in strength and flexibiltiyIMG_2436

I am very into fitness and finding new ways to make my workouts more dynamic so for me learning how to do a pistol squat took alot of dedication.  Pistols demand a combination of leg strength, core strength, blance, and flexibility.

1. Initial Flexibilty test: See where you stand by creating a bench mark.

2. Utilize a stable verticle pole to act as a fulcrum for your rope, elastic, tshirt, or whatever material you please (the stretchier the better) to support your arms as you slowly squat into place and to help you back up.

3.  Gradually decrease your reliance on this band to help you lower and raise yourself from the position, one leg outstretched, parallel to the ground.

4.  Practice this at least twice a week along with your regular workout routine and I promise you will see and feel results.

5.  Flaunt your new trick in front of friends and dare them to try the same!



I very much like the idea of creating a persona in which you can express and discover a different point of view and explore a storyline.  This class has pushed me in ways no other course has.  My weaknesses are the components that matter the most in this module.  The ability to persevere and be patient with new and unfamiliar programs is something I may not have appreciated in the beggining, but now I’m able to overcome my innate discomfort alot quicker.

One thing I found I am still uncomfortable with is having my thoughts, photographs, voice recordings and even video edits readily available and accessable to total strangers in a way that is very foreign to me.  As a person who is creatively inclined I consider my work to be very perosnal and find it difficult knowing my private thoughts are permanently engraved in zeros and ones.

Things that I wished I had done differently…. How do i count the ways.  Since there is not enough time nor digital stamena to fuel that kind of elaboration, I will just say that I appreciate the feedback and attentiveness of Professor Bond and the dedication shown by my peers to the cultivation of their characters and I know this method of learnign may have not been right for me in my life right now but I would love to come back to this and attempt these assignments again.

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